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Managing Change Effectively During Dynamics 365 Implementation

Dynamics 365 Implementation

Transformation is not always easy mostly when it occurs in the business operations through the adopted new technology. If you are starting with Dynamics 365 implementation, you are setting your business onto a robust solution aimed at improving different processes. However, as with any change, especially a significant one, it has its difficulties connected to it. 

This blog exists to help you overcome them and deal with them to the best of your abilities. In the next section, we will focus on tips that make change easier and describe how to manage it. Starting your Dynamics 365 Consulting Practice or trying to improve your implementation game plan? You’ve come to the right place. 

Exploring Processes of Dynamics 365 Implementation 

Before you venture out to provide your company with Dynamics 365 you need to know several things that you expect to happen. 

This process is subdivided into some main steps, which should be implemented and has its objectives and activities. Here’s a simple breakdown: 

Planning and Preparation 

  • This is the ground from where everything starts. You will define specific purpose and scopes of how you would like to use Dynamics 365. 
  • Within this stage, you also investigate the main stakeholders and requisites for the enterprise. 
  • It allows the preparation of docket and scheduling to ensure one is prepared for the next step. 

Customization and Configuration 

  • Dynamics 365 is very flexible. However, you will need to adapt it toward the likes of your enterprise operations. 
  • This could entail, designing the different workflows, basic set-up of the dashboard and interconnections with the other tools you apply. 
  • Customization enables Dynamics 365 to operate and function in the way that is most convenient for your enterprise and not just by the layout of templates that are used across numerous enterprises. 


  • Integration entails linking Dynamics 365 to your other systems. 
  • It may encompass integration with your CRM or ERP or other depending on the software used in the business. 
  • Effective interfacing implies that data can easily move from one system to the other hence increasing effectiveness. 


  • In this regard, the key thing to note is that before going live, there is heavy testing for Dynamics 365. 
  • This assists in isolating problems and addressing them even before the solution is rolled out in full. 
  • The testing ranges from verifying functionalities to interfaces and the correctness of the data. 


  • This is another stage where Dynamics 365 comes into use, and the first one to go live in sales. 
  • In this phase, you should closely manage the system to handle any problems that may arise or with which it may be confronted. 
  • Deployment is a sensitive stage because it denotes the time of change from the older systems to the new systems. 

Training and Support 

  • It is good to note that training is relevant when it comes to the use of Dynamics 365. 
  • It means that you will assure your team in every aspect that is required to allow them to understand and use the new system. 
  • Such follow-up makes it possible to address any issues as they arise with the facilitators and the learners.

Read: Why is the Right Software So Important to Run a Small Business?

Laying the Framework for Change Management 

When implementing Dynamics 365 therefore, it is important to ensure that the following elements form the firm foundation regarding change management. Here’s how you can lay the groundwork for a smooth transition:

Creating a Change Management Plan

Finalizing the important marketing activities that need to be undertaken and creating a table of all the major milestones and their respective time frame. This is a way of ensuring that people stay focused and reminded of specific targets & time-frames.  Allocate resources wisely. These are budget, people, and assets, which will be needed to ensure a proper implementation of the solution. 

Engaging Stakeholders Early 

First of all, it is necessary to define the list of stakeholders. These are the people that get impacted by change. It is recommended that one should engage them from the very first. Their contribution and support are of vital importance for the change to be successful. 

It indicates that stakeholders should be enlisted and updated on all critical decisions. 

Communicating Effectively 

From here, the emphasis is placed on clear communication as the central communication element of the process. It is recommended to post something new about once a week or when there is significant information to be shared. Communication should not be limited to one method only. Information can also be presented in emails, meetings, and through newsletters hence reaching the different clients. 

Building a Support System 

This includes having a team or consultant assigned to help with the transition to the green process. Establish material like user manuals, commonly asked questions, questionnaires, and solutions to likely hitches. These may go a long way in assisting the users to easily adapt to the new system. Support should be given periodically with a view of modifying the amount and kind depending on the needs of the patient.

Preparing Your Team for Change

Among the priorities in an organisation, one of the most valuable initiatives is the preparation of your team for Dynamics 365. They should also make sure the team they are passing this to has all it takes to manage the situation so that there is a reduction in the hitches in the change that takes place. Here’s how you can ensure they’re set up for success:

Addressing Concerns and Resistance 

Change can be unsettling. Make sure the people in your team voice their concerns and pay close attention to what they have said. Cultivate it with appropriate courtesy and provide them with correct information about the matters. 

Providing Support and Resources 

Introduce Customer Support to canter to the questions and problems Concerning the operation of the business. Organizational structure also matters in the sense that having someone to count on also helps and solves things. 

Building a Positive Mindset 

Inform the management, staff and other physique of the company the general intention and the objective of the Dynamics 365 implementation. Sometimes organizational productiveness is as simple as an employee understanding that they have a position to perform, that is, there is a reason behind the things the employees are doing. 


One can easily be overwhelmed when facing challenges in Dynamics 365 implementation process but it is pointless to worry. Still, it is possible to minimize the problems in transition by creating a good base; by explaining the situation to your team right; by using adequate techniques. Dynamics 365 implementation is all you need.

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